We are usually surrounded by unknown stress of the whole world-from home, work, personal challenges to uncertainties of life. And this is the primary cause of emotional eating or drinking prognosis. And as per the research, it is one of the unhealthiest coping mechanisms for people as we suppress the negative emotions, which transforms into emotional stress leading to an eating disorder, disrupting regular routine and affecting health and happiness.
So, why don’t we find better alternatives to cope with stress?
By working on other alternatives, we will find something that is far more helpful than assuming food as a need to comfort ourselves.
We can blow off some steam by going for runs or walks, reassessing, and finding creative outlets like cooking or reading a good book. We can even regroup with our friend who can help us unload that trigger other than comfort food.
So, why don’t you just put down those fatty food and heavy calories away and walk away with all the negative emotions, surround yourself with nature- breathe in the fresh air and exhale all that is making you uncomfortable.
Let’s make our action items and evaluate our behavior during stressful days.
1. Why don’t we note our eating habits –what we eat, when, why, and how we feel. Over the period of time, this food journal will help us understand our eating patterns and the link between food and mood.
2. Switch to water when you feel hungry or thirsty. This will help to replace sweetened drinks or unhealthy food with just water. Write down whether drinking a glass of water helps and how different it feels- does it help calm you and satiate your hunger and emotional needs.
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