
The Best Foods for Different Parts of Your Body

Calling a food ‘healthy’ can mean a lot of different things.

What makes a food healthy for you? Is it because it is low in calories, high in vitamins, or something else?

When we talk about healthy food, we can talk about a plethora of different things. All foods have different, unique nutritional benefits. Some foods are healthy overall but contain nutrients that are very healthy for a specific part of your body.

Each part of your body requires different nutrients to function at its best. Here are five of the most important parts of your body and the foods that can help them reach their potential:

Brain: Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and sardines are great foods for brain health. This is because they contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that your brain loves.

Believe it or not, around 60% of your brain is made of fat, and around half of that fat is made up of omega-3s. Your brain uses these acids to build brain and nerves cells. Some research has shown that these acids slow mental decline as you age. A lack of omega-3s has been linked to depression as well.

Other good options: blueberries, turmeric, dark chocolate, green tea.

Heart: Avocados

Avocados are chock-full of monounsaturated fats that are great for your heart. You may be thinking, “isn’t fat bad for your heart?” That is not the case!

The fats found in avocados actually help lower your LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and risk of heart disease. They are also very high in potassium, which has been shown to decrease blood pressure and your risk of a stroke.

Other good options: whole grains (quinoa, oats, barley, etc.), nuts, beans.

Blood: Beets

Beets have been adopted by many athletes as performance-enhancing superfood, and there’s good reason for this.

Beets are high in nitrates, which help your body relax blood vessels and increase blood flow to muscle tissue. This can help boost your athletic performance. It can also help reduce blood pressure and inflammation.

Other good options: cayenne pepper, pomegranate, garlic.

Bones: Dark, leafy greens

Eating your greens is as important as they say, and these leafy ones are great examples of that. These veggies – like kale, arugula, and collard greens – are some of the best things you can eat for bone health.

Leafy greens are probably the best source of calcium you can get that isn’t dairy. They’re also high in magnesium and vitamin K, which are great for bone strength and metabolism.

Other good options: salmon, cheese, milk, eggs, broccoli.

Digestive system: Yogurt

Like other fermented foods, yogurt is fantastic for digestive support because it contains probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your digestive system and help you process foods.

Probiotics have been shown to help with bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. It can also help with the digestion of lactose, something many people have a hard time with.

Other good options: apples, chia seeds, kombucha, beets, ginger.

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