
What is better- A Perfect Diet or A Sustainable Diet?

The “Perfect Diet” VS the Sustainable Diet

As coaches, we get asked this question from our Athletes at FNS Training Center all the time. There are so many diets out there, but which is the right one for you?

From high carb to low carb, vegan, vegetarian, keto to paleo, there is much different information out there that can make things confusing when finding a nutrition program that works for you. The truth is, there are no such things as perfect diets, and there is not always a one size fits all solution. However, no matter what way of eating you prefer, the “diet” must be SUSTAINABLE to keep the results.

Ask yourself, is it better to eat in a way that can fit in your life without having to be too thoughtful or disciplined, or to completely restrict yourself from all the foods you love and not being able to go out with your loved ones?

At FNS, our nutrition approach is about achieving long-term SUSTAINABLE success in maintaining lean muscle and shedding body fat by focusing on changing behaviors, building healthy habits, and creating a healthy relationship to food. It is about sticking to something you enjoy for the rest of your life and building a healthy LIFESTYLE, not just a diet.

Are you looking for a program that focuses not only on training but creating a sustainable nutrition plan that works for you?
Our team of coaches is ready and waiting to help you create a personalized plan for your workouts and build healthy, nutritional lifestyle habits that are sustainable and guaranteed to work! Sign up today for our FREE 7-day FNS Experience and meet with one of our coaches to get your Game Plan for success! Go to freetrial.fns360.live

You can also check out https://fns360.live/category/nutrition/ for more Diet and Nutrition related blogs.


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