Do things differently or do different things.
For the next 30, 60, or 90 days, we will set our intentions before the next year arrives. What will you give up so that you can reach your goal? What different are you going to do that did not work out before? Remember to assess, adapt, and attack!
Let us review Coach Brian’s FIVE strategies:
1) Commit:
I am going to do this. It is Not I would like to, or I would hope to, but ask yourself: What is the risk to yourself if you do not accomplish the goal?
2) Get Serious:
The timeline creates urgency. Raise the standards and step your game up. It is about living and working to your potential. In 90 days, we can make some drastic moves. When we step into our potential, everything changes. Hope is not a strategy. Hard work for something. Be disciplined and keep doing the work.
3) Never Quit.
Just keep going!! Do what it takes to finish whichever commitment you made. Do not allow any negativity. Comebacks are always the results of choices, determination, and a no-quit mindset. Do not let other people define you! Daily intention.
4) Do things differently or do different things.
Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same things and expects a different result.” Do not just show up but show up with intention. Change the intensity and attack the day!
5) Be clear and precise in your execution!
Let your daily priorities be clear and intentional! Know how to combat the distractions! There will never be a day that will not require dedication, discipline, perseverance, and the opportunity to execute with bold conviction.
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