
3 Reasons to Set Lofty Goals

We talk all the time about goals. Short term, long term, weekly, yearly goals. All of them are important. Now, it’s time to talk about lofty goals.

Lofty goals are goals that you aren’t sure you’ll be able to reach. They can be short term or long term. The only thing required for setting a lofty goal is that it challenges you to be at your absolute best.

Here are 3 reasons you should be setting lofty goals.

We all want greatness

Setting lofty goals is the best way to avoid complacency. If you’re constantly setting the bar low, you’re going to clear it most of the time. But you won’t ever be jumping as high as you can. Instead, you’ll be settling.

Sure, you will see success as long as you’re working hard. Greatness, though, requires more than just a little hard work. Effort, sacrifice, and challenges are the ingredients you need to be great. The end product will be a massive success.

We all want to be the absolute best possible version of ourselves. We don’t want to reach the end of our lives having left things on the table. Instead, we need to reach for greatness now with lofty goals.

Even if you miss…

As the old adage goes, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” When you set a goal that you aren’t sure you’ll be able to reach, there’s a good chance you won’t reach it. It will be disappointing, sure, but the progress you will make on the way will be worth it.

The work you put in while reaching for a lofty goal will put you in the position to do great things, even if they aren’t the end goal.

Say you want to run a marathon. You train for months, eat right, and prepare to run 26.2 miles. Then, race day comes, and you find yourself struggling on the 22nd mile. Sure, you may be disappointed if you finish slower than you wanted. But you will still have run more than most people will ever be able to.

Lofty goals are more fulfilling

What feels better, taking the easy way out or finally breaking through the finish line after a long, hard struggle? The easy way definitely has its benefits, but the long road is much more fulfilling.

In the moment, it can be tough sometimes. However, you’re always learning when you challenge yourself. Failure is more common, but failure opens opportunities for growth. You will be better for challenging yourself.

When you get to the end of the road – dirty, sweaty, and tired – you will be happy. When you get there, you’ll meet the people who took the easy way out and thank yourself for the challenges.

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