
Add New Things to Your Routine

We are three weeks into 2022. Hopefully, you’re off to a great start on your yearly goals. What are you doing to keep yourself engaged?

If you haven’t yet, you may experience some boredom soon. That is okay! That means you are consistent. The next step is to get rid of that boredom.

The best way to get rid of boredom is to try new things. This week, add something new to your routine. Here’s how and why you should:

1) Start Small

Small steps lead you to big things. You don’t have to overhaul your entire routine to add all kinds of brand-new things to your routine every week. In fact, you probably shouldn’t.

Start by adding a small step to your weekly plan. Make it something that won’t throw off the rest of your days. You do not want to overwhelm yourself or – even worse – stall your progress on your other tasks.

For example, if one of your goals is to stop eating out so much, one thing you could do is meal prep. Now, meal prepping three meals a day for seven days takes a ton of work, and you probably won’t be able to replicate that for very long.

Instead, prepare one meal for a few days, and you’ll build habits, learn what you like, and be able to adjust and expand on your meal prep skills next week.

2) Make it fun
New things, while challenging, are often fun. Our minds crave new challenges, new opportunities, and new experiences. Adding new things to your routine shouldn’t be a chore.

At the end of the day, we should enjoy (or at least not HATE) most of what we do. If we don’t, something needs to change. Those changes are new opportunities to find out new things you love to do.

Sure, you may not like everything you try. You don’t have to force yourself to continue to do those things. Instead, try a different activity. Continue to find fun, challenging ways to spice up your day.

3) Add more as you go

As we always say, consistency is key. Your progress will always be limited if you don’t have consistent action behind it. Add on to your routine weekly, monthly, and so on.

Keep growing and changing as much as you can. You do not want life to get stale. You should be putting yourself in new positions to learn constantly. Complacency leads to boredom, which leads to stagnation.

When you add a new thing that you like, do more of it next week. Find time in your schedule to explore the new activity further. Soon, it’ll become another part of your routine. Then, you find something else.

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