
Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2021, hello 2022. We haven’t seen you since last year! Hopefully, your celebrations were fun, and you’re ready to get started on a wonderful new year of growth, goal-shattering, and reaching your potential.

What is your plan for this first week of the year? Hopefully, it’s to get started on your resolutions. We can’t wait to see how much you grow and change this year. Massive, sustainable results are around the corner.

The journey continues now.

Here are your goals this week:

Have a firm grasp on your resolutions

Hopefully, by now, you have an idea of what you want to get done this year. If not, come up with something! New Year’s Resolutions are so popular because the new year is a great starting point. It’s a new beginning for everybody.

You have to have a plan if you want to reach your goals, or you’ll burn out by February. Know exactly what your resolutions are. Know exactly what you need to get done this month. To put yourself in a good position to achieve. Plans can change, but you have to have one first.

Get to work

Once you have your goals set, put in the work this week. Getting off to a strong start is important for a variety of reasons. For one, it puts you in a position to actually achieve what you want to achieve.

Another reason is that it increases your confidence. When you show yourself that you can put in the work when you start, you’re more likely to believe you can get it done in the future.

Make a plan to keep it going

There’s a reason gyms are packed in the first week of January. People are motivated and excited to reach their goals. There’s also a reason they’re mostly empty during the first week of February: those people who were so excited to work didn’t have a plan to sustain.

You CAN achieve the goals you have for 2022. It will take hard work, but you can achieve it as long as you remain consistent. One way to grasp this consistency is to realize that burning out is real and results don’t happen overnight.

If you haven’t done much working out before and you commit to working out six days a week, you’re going to be discouraged, tired, and more likely to quit when you don’t see massive results immediately. Consistency is most important.

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