
How to Be Compassionate to Yourself

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete” – Jack Kornfield

Compassion is a trait that we all desire in the people around us. We all want to be treated with compassion, so we treat others with compassion.

Compassion is something that we can – and should — practice on ourselves. Here are 4 ways to show yourself compassion:


We talk about it a lot, but that’s because it’s so important. Exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It’s hard to make yourself do it, but how good do you feel after a tough workout?

Exercise releases a lot of mood-boosting chemicals. On top of that, it can improve your self-image, confidence, and overall mental health.

If your body is a temple, it deserves to be treated like one. That means giving it the movement it needs to be physically strong and healthy. You only get one body, and you have to take care of it for your entire life. Show it compassion by letting it do what it was built to do.

Eat right

Similar to exercise, eating healthy is all about treating your body with compassion and respect. You have to give it the nutrients it needs to run healthy and efficiently.

When you eat a lot of unhealthy food, it tastes good. That is where the benefits stop. An unhealthy diet can leave you fatigued, with digestion problems, and unhappy with what you’ve eaten.

Eat a diet that’s full of healthy foods from every area of the pyramid. Things like whole grains, lean meats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables will make your body feel good. Try lots of new healthy foods when curiosity strikes. Do whatever you need to do to eat better. Your body deserves that compassion.

Take care of your mental health

Living a happy, healthy lifestyle is not a purely physical journey. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, if not more so.

Life is like a roller coaster. There are plenty of ups and plenty of downs. You have to be able to get back up when you go down. Sometimes, that requires help from someone who cares about you.

This holiday season, make sure you know what you need to be successful mentally and physically. If changes are needed, make them. You have the potential to reach new heights and become the best version of yourself that you didn’t know was possible.

Rest when you need it

Overworking yourself can lead to a deterioration in your physical and mental health. You have to listen to your body and take time to relax when it tells you it needs it.

The holiday season is a great time to catch up on rest and relaxation. Sleep, eat well, and be with your family. Enjoy this time of your life.

Hard work is great. It needs to happen if you want to continue to grow. But it’s also okay to rest after you’ve worked hard. In fact, it’s essential if you want to keep going without burning out. When you’re overworked, remember to be compassionate to yourself and rest.

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