How To Be Your Own Biggest Fan
Nobody can make you feel inferior
without your consent.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~
It all starts with you becoming your biggest fan, and there’s no better time to start than right now! Here are three tips you can put into place starting today.
1) Face your fears.
Fear of failure may have caused you to ignore your dreams, desires, or goals. If so, determine today that you won’t let that fear stop you from getting what you truly want. Once you begin facing your fears, you’ll discover that what you feared may not be such a big deal after all. But, you’ll never know until you start.
2) Control your self-talk.
Do you say negative things like, “I’m an idiot,” or “That was a dumb thing to do,” or “I’m ugly?” How you perceive yourself comes out in what you say. And what you say to yourself affects how you see yourself.
Change how you see yourself by speaking positively to yourself, about yourself. When you’re getting ready for the day, while looking in the mirror, point out some positive characteristics about yourself and say them out loud.
3) Work on what you need to.
Work on your weaknesses. There are times when we must. Particularly if it affects how we see ourselves.
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