
How to celebrate your body?

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” — Thich Nhat Hanh.  

When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

Do you see the beautiful woman you are now? Do you see a face that you love and appreciate because of what is done for you? Or do you only notice the signs of aging?  

If you only notice the subtle (and beautiful) signs of aging, it is worth remembering how many memories and experiences are behind those fascinating changes in your face. 

 Hours are spent laughing and smiling with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors, and every raised eyebrow or thoughtful look is all culminating in the magnificent canvas that is your body.  

Whether you love those changes or not is a matter of perspective and how you choose to embrace the changes life brings.

And BOOM! We genuinely believe age is something to celebrate. That includes celebrating your body and everything it does.   

Today, we want to give you a few ways to start celebrating your body at whatever age you happen to be.  

  1. Put it in Perspective

 By the time we reach our 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond, our bodies have done a lot for us.   

When you truly consider all that, your body has accomplished over the years, it becomes easier to thank your body for all the subtle changes time, chance, circumstances, and the elements have brought you.  

The next time you look in the mirror and notice a scar, a stretch mark, loose skin, a new fine line, or beautiful silver hair, think of it as a badge of honor.  

Recall the challenge associated with these visible signs of your life experience. And finally, thank your body for giving you those memories.  

  1. Give Yourself Love

Thanks to our culture’s negative messages about aging, many women feel they need to cover up or disguise their natural beauty to create an illusion of youth.  

But those messages are only valid if we believe in them.    

So instead, spend some time admiring what makes you, you.   

Consider your smile lines or brow lines and how they were formed. Admire the striking, shiny glints in your silver hair. You are beautiful and worthy of love just as you are, at every age.   

Learning to love your body is a radical act of self-care.  

  1. Be Inspired and Inspiring

No matter your age, there is someone your age to admire.   

For example, Cindy Joseph became a silver-haired model at age 49. Then she co-founded BOOM At 61. She also inspired hundreds of thousands of women to start loving their lives at every age.  

Surrounding yourself with like-minded, pro-age women like this is a fantastic way to start embracing what your body has done, and will do, at every stage of life.   

Right now, think of three women in your life that are an inspiration to you at this age. Or, if you cannot think of any, you can find dozens of inspiring women here on our blog.   

Consider what inspires you about those women you selected and how you can invite that spirit into your own life (if you have not already).

  1. Treat Yourself

If one message gets attention in the last few years, consistent and meaningful self-care is essential.   

Whether that is getting a massage (or giving yourself one), taking time away to recharge, eating well, meditating, exercising, or finding your means of self-care, it is even more critical as your body evolves and changes with time. 

Consider what makes you feel loved, cared for, pampered, rested, recharged, and do it. Then—keep on doing it. You are so very worthy of care and attention.  

Caring for your body is one way you can honor and appreciate what it has done and continues to do for you.   

  1. Celebrate!

Just as you might host a party to celebrate a friend’s birthday or accomplishments or to demonstrate gratitude for someone, you can recognize and show love for yourself the same way.

Plan a party to celebrate you. Your party can be with a dozen of your closest friends, your best friend, your partner, or just with yourself. The point is to take time to treasure and appreciate your life and your body.    

At BOOM! We especially love celebrating birthdays. It is a beautiful way to acknowledge and appreciate everything you have accomplished so far and all the way that age has made you more—not less. It is also a fantastic opportunity to look forward to what is coming next.

But if your birthday is not soon, there is no need to wait. Host a celebration. Make it a time to celebrate all the ways your existence has made life better for others, what you have accomplished, and how it all plays out in your life and body.

When you celebrate your unique self, you are helping to spread the pro-age message and create a world that loves and values age and all it brings. We love that.   

What do you do to celebrate your body? What will you thank your body for today?   

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