
The Benefits of Having a Role Model

The Benefits of Having a Role Model

When you were a kid, you probably knew what you wanted to be when you grew up. Maybe it was a firefighter, or an astronaut, or even a rock star. Whatever the dream job was, you probably got the idea and inspiration from a role model.

As you got older, your dreams and goals probably changed a little bit. Your role model became someone who was closer to you, such as a parent, grandparent, sibling, or anybody else that you saw as inspirational.   

In your adult life, you probably have people you credit for helping you find the success you have found. Without them, you would have had a much harder time. You worked incredibly hard for everything you have now, but everybody has a little help along the way.   

Everybody deserves to have a good role model. Everybody needs some help along the way. Having somebody to look to can be beneficial at any stage of life in any area. They help you learn, they help you grow, and they give you something to strive for you.  

No matter who you are, having someone you look up to can be beneficial. It can help you be a role model for the people around you that you care about and want to get better.  

Here are some of the benefits of having a good role model:

Role models teach – In theory, a good role model is somebody who is successful in some area that you admire. It could be fitness, business, spirituality, or anything else you may want to improve in.  

A good role model can teach in a multitude of ways. They can offer help when you ask for it, constructive feedback when you mess up, and advice when you need it. 

They may not even know that they are teaching. A good role model can teach by example. Simply put, they can show you how someone who is successful acts and what they do.  

You’ve probably heard that you have to ‘learn from your mistakes.’ That’s true in some cases, but you can also learn from the mistakes of your role model, saving you time and embarrassment that they got from going down the wrong path.

Role models motivate – Another way role models are important is that they motivate you to get to their level, consciously and unconsciously.   

Being around successful people encourages you to be successful. It inspires you to work when you don’t want to, get healthier, and accomplish more goals. It may foster a little bit of healthy competition.   

Successful people look to other successful people to motivate them. Every person has a different method to achieve their goals. Looking to people you admire to figure out how they get what they want is incredibly informative. It helps you take a look at what you’re doing and tinker with it by adding things you could do better and removing things you don’t need.   

Accountability is always important. Having a role model who you go to for advice and inspiration reinforces accountability in a healthy and sustainable way.   

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