
The Best Words of Wisdom by Kobe Bryant

The Best Words of Wisdom by Kobe Bryant

MINDSET OF THE WEEK- This week’s mindset inspiration is Kobe Bryant!

Kobe’s toughness is legendary. His commitment is legendary, and his mindset is inspiring!


This week we chose 10 qualities Kobe has taught us to incorporate into our mindset this week. 

  1. BATTLE READY: “Everything negative – pressure, challenges – are all an opportunity for me to rise.”

Lesson: You only have an opportunity to grow through adversity. This is where your character and leadership muscle are sharpened.

  1. HUNGRY and FOCUSED: Once you know what failure feels like, determination chases success.

Lesson: Failure is the fuel to your success if you use it wisely. Ever been broke? Ever had a bad relationship where you were disrespected? Ever been so unhealthy? Once you know the pain of failure, that will be the catalyst to your success. Unless that pain is not bigger than the problem, nothing will ever change.

  1. UNBREAKABLE: I realized that intimidation did not exist if you are in the right frame of mind.

Lesson: Attitude is everything. You cannot beat a person who refuses to beat! I CAN, I WILL, I MUST! When that is your mindset, you cannot lose!

  1. GRIT: A lot of leaders fail because they do not have the bravery to touch that nerve or strike that chord.

Lesson: Be willing and courageous to be uncomfortable. The discomfort starts with challenging yourself first. Be brave enough to call yourself out on your bullshit and strike a chord with yourself. Be brave enough to be coached and called out by asking others how they think you can improve.

  1. BELIEF: If you are afraid to fail, then you are probably going to fail.

Lesson: Where your focus goes, your energy flows. Stop thinking about all the ways it could go wrong and focus on what can go right. Do not be that person who has a problem for every solution. Stop playing “DEVILS ADVOCATE” all the time. Focus on winning, understand what that is going to take, but never think of failing.

  1. PERSEVERANCE: Pain does not tell you when you ought to stop. Pain is the little voice in your head that tries to hold you back because it knows if you continue, you will change.

Lesson: Our instinct is to find ways to make something easy with little effort. It is hard to adapt and make changes. It requires daily effort and having a growth mindset. Once you dominate that little voice in your head, you override the software, and once you do that, you change the hardware of your life.

  1. CONSISTENT: “Do the Simple Stuff right every day!”

Lesson: Being consistently good is better than occasionally great. And doing that every day will make you great. Do not be a one-hit-wonder. You lost weight, great job, now keep it off.

  1. CONVICTION: The most important thing is you must put everybody on notice that you are here, and you are for real.

Lesson: Stop trying to be all things to all people. No time to waste trying to please everyone at the cost of yourself and your goals. Tell everyone the mission that you are on, the right ones will stay, and the right ones will leave. Have the confidence and conviction in who you are, what you want, and how you are going to live your life.

  1. LEGACY: It is the one thing you can control. You are responsible for how people remember you—or do not. So, do not take it lightly.

Lesson: It starts with how you show up. Your energy introduces you before anything else. How you will be remembered starts with how you show up each day and what is your attitude.

  1. INSPIRATION: “The Most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.”

Lesson: True greatness comes from inspiring others to be great. Do not talk about it, be about it! Let your actions and attitude speak for you.


  1. Go For 5. Do the little things right. Sleep, Water, Move, Everyday! Challenge yourself every day to do one more rep on your challenge sheet! 1% better each day.
  2. Look at your goals. (Write them if you do not have them) Do they inspire you? Re-Align your Actions to your Purpose.
  3. Give Back. Serve someone else this week who is struggling. Maybe that is a neighbor, a student, a friend, a family. Do the unexpected and the support you would want if you were in need.


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