
Are carbs bad for you?

Carbs are not the enemy

In today’s grocery stores, there are “low carb” options in every aisle. For a long time, the narrative around healthy eating has been that carbs will make you fat. It is not the truth. Carbs are not evil, and you should not avoid the bakery like it is a haunted house.   

There is the truth that too much of anything will hurt your health and weight. It holds for carbohydrates as well. If you eat too many, you may see negative impacts.   

Carbs are not inherently bad on their own—if you eat the good ones. It is not an open invitation to eat an entire loaf of bread or scarf down a giant bowl of pasta. There are bad carbs and, if you overeat them, it can be a problem.   

To change your perspective on carbs, you must know what they are, how they work, as well as which ones you should eat, and which ones you should avoid. When you see the science and details behind them, you will see that carbs are nothing to fear. They can be a delicious and nutritious part of any diet.   

What are carbohydrates?  

Carbohydrates, like protein and fat, are a source of calories in any food. According to the American Heart Association, carbs can be simple or complex depending on the food’s structure and how your body absorbs it.   

Once you eat them, your body will break the carbohydrates down into simple sugars, which are then absorbed into your bloodstream, increasing your blood sugar. It causes your pancreas to release insulin, which moves the sugar in the blood to your cells, where it is used as a source of energy.   

The FDA recommends a daily value of 275 grams of carbohydrates per day based on a 2000 calorie diet. Every gram of carbohydrate provides four calories, which your body uses as energy.   


Simple carbohydrates  

Simple carbohydrates are broken down quickly and easily by your body. You may get a rush of energy followed by a crash as the energy is depleted. Because of how quickly they can be broken down, you may find yourself hungry again soon after eating them, which leads to you eating more.   

Also, because of how fast your blood sugar rises because of these carbs, your body can have trouble producing the insulin needed to regulate it and eventually lead to diabetes.   

However, not all simple carbohydrates are bad. If you need a quick source of energy, opt for a piece of fruit or some milk. Fruit and dairy contain some simple sugars, but the difference with these is that they also come with vitamins, minerals, and fiber that the body needs. They also taste great. They are great for snacks, desserts, and toppings for food like oatmeal and yogurt.  

Examples of the bad ones that you should avoid (which you probably already knew) include things like candy, soda, and table sugar. These contain almost no nutritional value and should be eaten very sparingly on special occasions only.   


Complex carbohydrates  

Complex carbohydrates are digested much slower than simple carbs, giving you a steadier release of blood sugar. These are the ones that you likely think of when you think about carbs like pasta and bread. Do not panic, however. They still are not evil. It is all about choosing the right ones to add to your diet and eating the correct amount.   

Like simple carbs, there are better and worse options. Like white bread and white rice, refined grains take some of the nutrients you would find in whole grain options. When you eat these, you miss out on fiber and B vitamins from complete grain sources.  

Examples of the good ones are legumes, starchy vegetables, whole-grain bread, pasta, and rice. These are all great sources of long-term energy, vitamins, and minerals. They generally have a good deal of fiber, which aids in digestion and appetite control, making you feel full. These are great for side dishes in meals and will be your primary source of carbohydrates throughout your day.   

Carbs are not scary. They are a vital part of your body’s energy source, and you should consume them healthily every day. When you eat the right amount of high-quality carbs, you will find yourself feeling energetic throughout the day.   


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