
What should I eat as per my body type?

Your body shape does not define you.

You define your body shape.

Understanding how to fuel your body correctly can be tricky. There’s a reason why some people can put on weight a lot easier than others, whether it’s putting on fat or muscle. Therefore, adopting a “meal or diet plan” that another person is doing might not always work the same for you and your body. Understanding what your body needs takes a lot of trial and error but understanding your body type can help guide you down a path that will work best for you.

Your lifestyle, genetics, history, and training style all play a part in how you look, and you can change some aspects of your body type features over time. You can significantly change your body type by getting leaner and more muscular.

We all have different body structures; some may lend themselves better to certain types of exercise than others, but your training and body composition primarily determine physical performance. Your height, lean body mass, and fat mass significantly impact your body type.

This is why it’s crucial that you’re fueling your body the right way. Regarding “MACROS,” the general recommendation for the average person would bring results, especially if you’re not tracking your intake already. However, specific percentage breakdowns typically work better for certain body types. The diet and training you need to change your body shape follow the same principles as anyone else.

Eating for your body type and your goals.

Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph – What’s the difference?

For now, read through the following descriptions below of the 3 main basic “body types” and find the one closest to you and your own body. If you identify with 2 different groups, you’re most likely a hybrid combination and have a little more flexibility and room to play when finding out what works exactly for you.

The 3 main types are:

  • Ectomorphs are long and lean.
  • Mesomorphs are athletic and muscular, capable of gaining or losing weight quickly, thanks to their efficient metabolisms.
  • Endomorphs are rounded, with lots of muscle and body fat, a stockier structure, and a slower metabolism. (Think of football linemen.)

The critical difference between these three lies in their body size and structure.

  • Ectomorphs

Because they have fast metabolisms, they burn calories quickly, so ectomorphs may find themselves hungry frequently throughout the day; yet, regardless of what, how often, or how much they eat, they don’t gain weight or muscle quickly.

  • They struggle to gain weight no matter how much carbs or how much fat they eat.
  • They usually have a lean build with long limbs and minor muscles.
  • To gain weight naturally, they must consume carbs and foods full of calories.


  • Most calories should come from carbs and at least 25 percent protein if they want to build muscles.
  • EAT! Keep your daily caloric intake high, don’t skip meals, and don’t forget about healthy fats and carbs. You’ll want about to consume about 50% carbs in the diet, 30% protein, and 20% fat.


  • It is also important to indulge in high-intensity interval training and eat something small every two hours.
  • They must get all the necessary nutrients to build strong muscles.

  • Mesomorphs

They are genetically predisposed to build muscle, so mesomorphs often require a slightly higher calorie intake (since power requires more calories to maintain it) and more protein than the other types do (again, for muscle maintenance).

  • Generally, mesomorphs can lose or gain weight quickly.
  • A mesomorph naturally tends to stay fit and achieve muscle mass very quickly.
  • They have more muscle than fat in their bodies and are not overweight or underweight.


Just like ectomorphs, mesomorphs too can eat whatever they like without putting on weight, but the flip side here is that they may gain weight just as quickly if they aren’t careful.

  • Because people with this body type have a lot to do with muscle, it stands to reason that they need a more protein-based diet that can help build and repair muscles.
  • Consider 40% carbohydrate in the diet, 30% protein, and 30% fat.
  • They also need to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and whole grains (quinoa, oats, etc.).


  • Just because mesomorphs have a naturally muscular body doesn’t mean they don’t need to exercise.
  • They do need the training to stay lean.
  • Alternating between weights and cardio would be the ideal workout for mesomorphs.


  • Endomorphs

Endomorphs usually have narrow shoulders and broader hips and carry any excess weight in the lower abdomen, hips, and thighs. It’s often challenging for them to lose weight, but they can do it with the proper diet and training approach.

  • They usually have broad shoulders, narrow hips, and shorter limbs.
  • While they have larger muscle mass, they also have a higher fat percentage because they are predisposed to storing fat rather than building muscles.
  • They store excess weight in their thighs, buttocks, and hips, giving them a pear-shaped appearance.
  • The best way for an endomorph to lose weight is through a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise.


  • Start by cutting down carbs to only 30 percent of total daily calories. The other 70 percent should be protein and good fats.
  • Your daily caloric intake may look like 25% carbs, 40% protein, and 30% fat.


Cardio is the best form of exercise because it ensures that the body does not revert to fat-storing stages.

  • They can also do high-intensity interval training and cross-training to build muscles.
  • Their main goal should not be to lose weight but to boost metabolism and prevent calories from turning fat.


Understanding your body type is critical in your health and fitness journey. Just because your genes have given you a kind over another doesn’t mean it’s time to throw in the towel. You need to take responsibility and plan according to your body type. Don’t get discouraged. You can overcome any obstacle if you are willing to work hard enough!

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