
What to do after you overeat?

What to do after you overeat?

What to do after you overeat?

We have all been there, standing in front of the fridge, ready to put together a collection of snacks that could feed a small city.

You get it together, take it to the couch, and eat all of it faster than you can say. “Man, I shouldn’t eat this much.”

In the busy lives we live, it can be hard to find the time to make sure you eat right. It is a lot easier to go through the drive-through or break into a bag of potato chips than to make a healthy meal.

However, it is essential to make the right choices when it comes to nutrition. We all slip up sometimes, but that’s just human nature. You must be strong enough to make on the track, make the right choices, and continue your journey to living a happy, healthy lifestyle. 

So, when you do overeat, what do you do? The most intriguing option is to lay down on the couch and take a nap, but that is not the healthiest. Here are four things you can do to get back on track after overeating:  

  1. Go For a Walk  

Walking is a great way to feel better physically AND mentally after you have overeaten.  

It probably does not sound very appealing but going for a walk is a great way to reduce the guilt of a whole plate of cookies and jumpstart your metabolism. Walking speeds up your stomach’s emptying process, which will help reduce feelings of fullness and bloating.

Going for a walk will also burn some calories, which will help negate some of the extra ones consumed during a food binge.

Walking has also been shown to improve moods. It will help get rid of some of the guilty feelings that may come with overeating. It is also a possible preventative measure to prevent eating that may be associated with stress or other negative emotions.   

Overall, walking is a simple, easy step to get back on the road to health.

  1. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast  

It may seem counterintuitive after you have overeaten, but getting your next day started with a healthy, nutritious breakfast can do a world of wonders for your body and mind.

First, starting your day on a solid note feels good. When you eat something high in fiber and protein for breakfast, you feel fuller longer. On top of that, knowing you are on the right track will inspire you throughout the day, giving you the motivation and energy you need to crush your goals.

Get your morning going with something like oatmeal, which is high in fiber and protein (and deliciousness). Have it with some fruit, nuts, or whatever else you feel like putting in it. Pair it with another protein source of your choice, and you are off to the races for the day!  

  1. Prep Your Food in Advance  

One of the appeals of junk food is its ease of access. It is a lot easier to open a bag of chips or go through the drive-through than to prepare a nutritious snack or meal.

You can counteract this by having healthy options at your disposal for when you inevitably crave something. Taking some time out of the weekend to healthy prep snacks will go a long way during the week when you are tired, and the candy bars start calling.

It will also help if you purge your kitchen of all the unhealthy foods. If you do not have unhealthy options at your disposal, it will be easier to make the right choice.  

If you need some inspiration, check out some of our recipes!  


  1. Do not Stress  

 The feeling, emotionally and physically, after you overeat hurts. You feel bloated, upset, and guilty.   

It is important to remember that you are human. We all overindulge from time to time. It will not destroy what you have been working towards. You will not suddenly gain much weight from one bad day. The worst thing you can do is throw in the towel and give up on all you have worked for. 

Take a deep breath, acknowledge the overeating, and commit to yourself that you will get back on track immediately. Food is a beautiful part of life and enjoying it is not an inherently bad thing. You are going to be all right. You have got this.   

For more Nutrition related videos, click here. 

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