
The FNS Arm Training Guide

Adding size and strength to arms is one of the main reasons people start to exercise. We all want to shed our sleeves and wow people when the summertime rolls around.

Your arms are made up of several different parts that all have to be trained in different ways. It can be a bit confusing to know what each part of the arm does and how to train it.

If you’re curious about training your arms, check out this guide:


What are they?

The biceps are the muscles you probably associate the most with arm training. They are the muscles that make up the front part of your upper arm. The biceps are made up of two heads: a short head and a long head.

The bicep is a large part of movements that involve pulling. It is responsible for moving your forearm up and rotating it outward. Strong biceps can make daily tasks easier – and they look good!

How do you train them?

There are many different ways to train your biceps. As we said earlier, the biceps are responsible for pulling things. Compound exercises, such as the pull-up and bent over row, will work your biceps. To isolate and train specifically biceps, try exercises like curls.


What are they?

The triceps make up the other side of your upper arm. They are the yin to the bicep’s yang. Like the bicep, they have multiple heads: medial, lateral, and long. Adding strength and size to your triceps makes your arms look more toned.

While biceps pull, the triceps push. These three muscles work to extend your forearm and you may feel them working during movements like opening a door, pushing a lawnmower, or throwing a ball.

How do you train them?

Pushing! When you do exercises like bench pressing, push-ups, and shoulder presses, you are working your triceps. You can modify these exercises to increase the strain on your triceps with the close grip bench press or triangle push-up. You can also train them separately with triceps kickbacks, pushdowns, and skull crushers.


What are they?

Strong shoulders are just as important as strong biceps and triceps. They add shape and definition to your upper body, help your posture, and make you much stronger. There are several different muscles that make up the shoulder, but the main ones are the deltoids.

Your shoulders do a lot of work. They’re involved in almost any upper body compound movement. They help you push, pull, and carry your way through your daily life. Without strong shoulders, life is a little tougher.

How do you train them?

There are many different ways to train your shoulders. They are involved in almost any upper body lift. Overhead presses are fantastic for targeting shoulder muscles. Lateral raises, front raises, and reverse flys can help you target different areas of the shoulder.

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