

One rule I have for myself is not surrounding myself with “should do” people. These people are always telling you what you “should do” based on what they think is best. The more you listen to these people, the more they will distract you from what you want to pull you outside of your lane.

Now, some people will give you great advice, but these people have already accomplished whatever you are trying to accomplish. They typically won’t tell you what you “should do.” Instead, they will say to you what you NEED to do. You need to be very selective with who you get your advice and who you share your goals with. Not everyone will have the same vision, passion, risk, tolerance, or commitment you might have. This doesn’t mean that those types of people are harmful; you need to be more selective with whom you get your advice.

No matter what you want in your life, you have to believe it is possible. You have to believe in yourself and your ability to get the job done. The biggest thing that holds people back from achieving their goals is their limited belief in themselves and the possibility of being great.

Believe in your dreams

Nobody can hold your hand or tell you what choices to make in life, but when you accept 100% responsibility for your experience. It’s like you’re playing a whole new game. You are your only problem, and you are your only solution. You’re free to make your own choices and decide how you want to live, which leads to ultimate success and happiness.

Believe in Your Dream

An excerpt from Elevate to Great by Brian Nunez

Game-Changing Moves:

  1. If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?
  2. Write down how you could feel not only pursuing your passion but also having success in it!
  3. Find a successful person in that space and learn as much as possible from them.

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