
How do you welcome new challenges?

Every year, every month, every week, and every day, we face new challenges. There is an endless supply of obstacles that we have to climb to get what we want.

Some people dread challenges in new ways. Successful people welcome a challenge, and they crave them and come out on top of them more often than not.

Here are 5 ways to start welcoming new challenges.

Ignore that fear response

The natural response to a new obstacle to climb is fear. You’re worried about failure. You can’t see the top of the mountain, and you assume you will never get there.

Take that feeling of hopelessness and shove it to the side. It has no place in a winner’s mind. You are a winner.

You will climb the mountain.

Replace those feelings of fear with feelings of excitement. You don’t have to know how you’ll get to the top. Just be excited that you will eventually get there.

Come up with an action plan ASAP

The last thing you want to do is let the new challenge sit around in your mind and make you anxious.

As soon as you face a new challenge, try to develop your first draft of a way to tackle the challenge.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it probably won’t be. It’s simply a solution to the problem instead of dwelling on the uncertainty.

Ask for help

The odds are that someone you know has probably faced this challenge or a similar one before. Ask them for the advice!

Advice or assistance from someone whom you respect and admire is always valuable. All you have to do is swallow your pride and ask. There is no shame in asking for help when you face a challenge.

People are generally helpful when you have an issue. You can overcome many challenges much quicker when you have a supportive team behind you.

Take action quickly

You don’t have to cram your response in immediately, but it’s a good idea to get some work done as soon as you can.

Taking action can be simply checking off the first thing on your action plan. Having something done is a lot better than procrastinating. Procrastination is not fun.

When you start with the small goal of checking off that first thing, chances are you’ll want to do more. All you have to do is get the ball rolling.


You’ve had many challenges in your life. You have succeeded, and you have failed. As they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. This new challenge is no different.

Take a deep breath. You will get through this too.

Life is full of challenges, making us stronger and more well-rounded, competent people.

That is the best reason to welcome challenges.


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