
How To Handle Feedback Positively?

If you want to progress in life, you have to be open to feedback. While everyone loves a pat on the back or some words of praise, things turn upside down when we get criticism. Sometimes we get discouraged and don’t know what to do with it. Not many know the art of taking feedback positively in your stride.

Handling constructive feedback is not something everyone can do. People take it hard, very hard. Most of the time, the intention is to help the other person grow by rectifying the mistakes. But, only sometimes the other person takes it in the same spirit.

Do you want to learn how to handle constructive feedback? Well, dealing with feedback takes time, practice & intentional effort. After learning the right approach to handling feedback – you live up to your full potential.

Here are a few ways to handle constructive feedback:

1. Take Time to Process the Feedback: The most common and instant reaction to feedback is defense. Shut them down, and tell the other person how & why they are wrong. But this is no way to grow.

The outcome of this reaction might be that the other person stops giving you feedback to avoid conflict.

The right approach is to internalize the feedback and use it to improve. Be more open to feedback and fight that urge to defend. Take a deep breath and try to understand their point with an open mind.

2. Ask Your Whys: Don’t follow anything blindly. Get clarity by asking questions. Try to understand their point of view. You might not agree at first, but after getting more details, you might think differently.

Give the other person time to prove their point before reaching a conclusion. Having a mature conversation will only help you get better in life, don’t miss any chance to grow.

You got everything you need. You must listen, ask questions and be receptive to other people’s opinions.

3. Follow-up More Often: Nobody likes an added dose of feedback or criticism. Unless you are someone who wants to grab every opportunity to get better by the day.

Once the other person understands your willingness to improve, you will start getting more constructive feedback—the kind of feedback you need to become something in life.

Someone can be your accountability partner, telling you whether you have improved or not or how much more work you need. It’s always great to hear from someone who cares about your progress and wants you to grow.

After all, who wouldn’t like a personal cheerleader?

4. Share How You Feel: Talking about how you feel about the feedback might help the other person know the reason behind your work. Share with them why you did what you did. Let them know your vision, and they might think differently.

While accepting feedback gracefully helps you grow, not voicing out your opinion might feel like blindly following something you don’t believe in.

Follow the feedback because you believe in it and not because someone wants you to.

Remember, your approach towards anything decides how it impacts you. Be more open to criticism and open new doors of opportunities to grow in life.

👉 For more Accountability-related blogs, click here

👉 You can also check out more such videos, The Huddle with Coach Brian Nunez – Mindset Motivation & Interviews.

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