
6 Keys to Self-Acceptance

The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself. - Mark Twain

In today’s world, it’s easy to not be comfortable in your own skin. We’re constantly berated with news about people who seem healthier, happier, and more successful you are.

It’s more important to build self-acceptance now than ever. We have to be comfortable in our own skin, no matter who we are.

Here are the 6 keys to self-acceptance:

Realize you are the only you

It’s easier said than done sometimes but be happy to be who you are. You are the only you that there has ever been or ever will be.

On a planet in a sea of endless galaxies, among billions of humans past and present, you get the opportunity to make your own unique mark on the world. Appreciate and love that you get the opportunity to be great.

Become your own source of validation

You can’t truly accept yourself if you rely on outside sources for validation. You have to be able to feel good about the work you’re doing without praise, awards, or other things outside of your control.

Your method of self-validation is unique to you. Some of the best ways are to celebrate your wins, take pride in yourself, and learn how to take constructive criticism.

Surround yourself with supportive people

While you do need to be your own source of validation, it’s also important to be around supportive people. Self-acceptance is nearly impossible if you’re surrounded by people who bring you down.

You need bucket fillers, not bucket dumpers. Build a team of people who will cheer you on, pick you up when you’re down, and know how to keep you in check if you mess up. If you have those people, life is much easier.

Celebrate your wins

You don’t have to keep your nose to the grindstone 24/7. Sometimes, you need to take a break, take a big step back, and appreciate what you’ve built.

Take time to celebrate your accomplishments! Enjoy some cake, take a day off, and do things you enjoy. The fruits of your labor taste pretty sweet if you actually taste them.

Respect past shortcomings

Failure is something nobody wants to look back on. Dwelling on your shortcomings can kill your confidence and prevent you from taking chances in the future.

At the same time, moving ahead with reckless abandon without acknowledging you’ve messed up prevents you from learning.

Instead of dwelling on your shortcomings or ignoring them completely, simply respect them. Acknowledge they happened, learn from them, and move on.

Seek new opportunity

Rise to new challenges. Keep yourself moving. You don’t want to look back and see regret. Try new things often so you can continue to grow as a person.

Becoming a well-rounded, well-traveled, and well-respected person will give you loads of confidence and self-acceptance.

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