
How to reach your goals?

How to reach your goals?

“To reach levels of success you’ve never reached before, you must be committed at a level you’ve never been committed at before.”

Achieving even the simplest of goals requires us to learn the meaning of commitment. We are reminded of commitment throughout our life, whether it is related to personal or business purposes, and we realize that without committing, we cannot achieve anything. Do not Be Involved, Commit! Doing things halfway is the mother of everything that can go wrong. When you want your project to succeed, you invest yourself in it fully. Why? Because you cannot afford only to be involved, being involved means you are not committed enough, and if you are not committed enough, that thing you’ve been working on won’t see the light of day.  

 Identifying your ‘why’ is essential as your ‘why’ is your anchor for encountering obstacles and challenges. It is your go-to source of motivation for when times get rough and for when you ‘don’t feel like doing the work.’ Your ‘why’ is what keeps you going when you think about giving up. Often, it is not the surface-level results that form your ‘why’ — even though most people assume it is. Instead, you primarily desire a goal because of the deeper-level effects that its achievement produces. This is your strongest ‘why.’ If you set a goal, always get clear on these deeper-level results as this forms your ‘why.’ If you would not identify your ‘why,’ you would be much less committed. And when you are not as committed, you are less likely to succeed.

Essentially, your ‘why’ can be described as all the reasons why you desire to achieve a goal. It is all the way your life will improve if you’d complete this goal — and all of the ways your life would be worse if you wouldn’t accomplish this goal.  

If you would not identify your ‘why,’ you would be much less committed. And when you are not as committed, you are less likely to succeed.  

You would give in to instant gratifications more efficiently, get distracted quicker, stay in your comfort zone more often, and give up much faster.  

You would not be willing to invest the same amount of time and energy into achieving a goal compared to someone who knows their ‘why’ and is fully committed to their destinations. In other words, you would be much less likely to succeed.  

If you have problems committing, it will be beneficial to engage in a group setting. The most feasible way to overcome commitment fears to commit to something bigger than just you, and in a group, you will be to draw upon others for motivation and support. Commitment allows us to fulfil our most basic needs and achieve our most sought-after dreams. It gives us purpose.

However, when you are fully clear on your ‘why’ — when you know exactly all the way that achieving this goal will transform your life — you’re committed to achieving it.  

When you are genuinely committed to a goal, you do the work despite not feeling like it. You work on your dreams even though you would rather sleep. You defy the cold and rain for it. You break old destructive patterns for it. And you push through any obstacle that comes in your way.  

The stronger your commitment, the more likely you will succeed as you refuse to give up or give in. You make more disciplined and productive decisions — and are more willing to go out of your comfort zone. That is what it takes to achieve success.  

Motivation Commitment

Pick your most important goal and ask yourself, ‘why do I desire this goal?’, ‘what are the deeper-level results that achieving this goal produces?’ and ‘what are all the way my life will transform if I achieve this goal?’  

Write down your ‘why’ and review it daily as part of your morning routine to start your day focused and inspired.  

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