
Does Listening to Music Help You Work Out?

One of the worst feelings is getting to the gym and forgetting your headphones or earbuds.

Working out and listening to music is like peanut butter and jelly. They’re the perfect combination.

Does it feel like music helps you when you work out, but is it the truth? What kind of impact does listening to music have on your exercise? As it turns out, there are multiple benefits to listening to music while you work out. Here are four of them:

Music boosts mood

We all have those songs that come on that instantly make us feel good. When exercising, being in a good mood helps a lot.

Before your workout, try putting on some songs that you know will pump you up and get you motivated to get to work. This especially helps when you don’t have the energy to get in the gym.

Exercise also boosts your mood, so listening to music while you do it can extend the mood-boosting benefits for longer.

It helps you keep pace

When you work out with music, your body can naturally adjust your heart rate to the beat of the music. Isn’t that crazy?

You can use this to your advantage. Playing a playlist of songs with more beats per minute can help you get into the groove when you do high-intensity, shorter interval training.

You can also play songs with specific tempos on things like long runs to make sure you’re always in your target heart rate zone.

Music can distract you

Simply put, working out is tough. If you’re working hard enough, your muscles hurt, you’re breathing heavy, and you can’t wait to be done with it.

Listening to music you enjoy is a great way to distract yourself from the strenuous workout’s suffering. Listening with noise-canceling headphones is a great way to focus on your movements and block out the pain.

Music motivates you

Along with boosting your mood, music can fill you with motivation. Music apps have designed workout playlists to get you pumped up and ready to crush your exercise.

You probably have some songs that you know will get you ready to run through a wall. Before and during your workouts, put those songs on. Curate your personalized playlist of songs that work for you. It’ll make your exercise not only more fun, but it’ll make it more effective too.

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