
Which is better: Active Recovery vs. Rest Days?

Which is Better: Active Recovery vs Rest Days?

Optimal recovery and growth include a mixture of both active recovery and rest. It’s not an either/or proposition. You can (and likely should) implement active recovery and complete rest days into your training program based on how your body is feeling.

If your sleep, nutrition, and stress management have been great the past few days, then you may feel up to being a bit more active on your off days from training and thus would take an active recovery day where you are more active just not crushing the heavy weights.

Low impact activities such as hiking, going on a long bike ride, running, swimming, and yoga are great ways to get the body moving without putting too much stress on your muscles. Active recovery days allow you to get the blood flowing while allowing your body to recover and repair from your long week of strength and resistance training.

Why You Should Take Recovery Seriously?

Proper recovery is essential to getting results. Taking recovery seriously starts with making time for it in your current training schedule. If you’re one of those people who has a hard time taking their foot off of the gas pedal and “taking it easy”, then it’s imperative that you schedule your active recovery and rest days just like you would your training days.

Without consistent, daily recovery, you’ll never see the results that you want because your body needs the time to rebuild and repair itself to become stronger.

Daily Recovery Activities include:

  • Fueling your body with the right nutrients (protein, carbs, fats) so you’re able to recover faster and have the energy you need to train efficiently and effectively.
  • Stretching and foam rolling before and after workouts.
  • Get a good night’s sleep (6-8hrs a night). Your body repairs itself while you sleep, so getting quality sleep is imperative to your results. Not only will your body feel refreshed the next day, you’ll have more energy and mental clarity as well.

Lastly, remember that active recovery and rest days are important and necessary. You’re not “slacking” on your training when implementing active recovery and rest days. These days help recharge your mind and body so that when you step back into the gym, you are ready to give it your all and continue to get results!

Need help finding a fitness plan that works for your goals and lifestyle? Our team of coaches is ready and waiting to help you create a personalized plan for your workouts and build healthy, nutritional lifestyle habits that are sustainable and guaranteed to work! Sign up today for our FREE 7-day FNS Experience and meet with one of our coaches to get your Game Plan for success! Go to freetrial.fns360.live

For similar blogs on Recovery, click here https://fns360.live/category/movement-and-recovery/

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